
What is an Online Psychic Medium? And a little about Michele

What is an Online Psychic Medium? And a little about Michele

At Angels Within, we provide online psychic medium services both nationally Australia wide, and Internationally. Our psychic medium Michele, has over 30 years experience and is a natural born psychic medium. Online Psychic mediums are individuals who possess the ability to connect with spiritual energies and provide guidance and insights to others through digital platforms. Utilizing tools like tarot cards, astrology, or intuition, they offer readings and interpretations remotely, bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual realms. These mediums often conduct sessions via video calls, chats, or emails, enabling people worldwide to seek their services conveniently. While skeptics may question their abilities, many clients find comfort and clarity in their readings, believing that online psychic mediums can tap into unseen energies and provide valuable perspectives on life, relationships, and the future.

Michele was born in Melbourne, Australia, and still resides there today. Her psychic abilities surfaced as a young child and she continues to nurture and protect her gift, using it for the soul purpose of helping others.

With the guidance from your Angels, and the Universal messages, Michele will give you the answers needed to make the right choices, ultimately guiding you forward, to a Happier and Brighter Future.

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Spiritual Cleansing Rituals: Clearing Negative Energies at Angels Within Psychic Medium


Step into the realm of purity and spiritual clarity at Angels Within Psychic Medium, where the art of spiritual cleansing rituals takes center stage. In this article, we delve into the transformative power of clearing negative energies and creating a sacred space for spiritual growth. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe in the importance of maintaining energetic harmony and purity to facilitate deeper connections with the divine. Join us as we explore the intricacies of spiritual cleansing rituals and their significance in our spiritual practices.

Understanding Spiritual Cleansing at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Spiritual cleansing is a practice rooted in ancient wisdom, aimed at purifying the energy field and releasing stagnant or negative energies. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we view spiritual cleansing as a vital aspect of maintaining spiritual well-being and creating a conducive environment for spiritual growth and psychic work.

The Benefits of Spiritual Cleansing:

By engaging in spiritual cleansing rituals at Angels Within Psychic Medium, individuals can experience a range of benefits, including:

  • Energetic Renewal: Cleansing rituals help to remove accumulated negative energies and restore balance to the energy field, promoting a sense of renewal and vitality.
  • Clarity and Focus: Clearing negative energies allows for mental clarity, heightened intuition, and enhanced focus, facilitating deeper spiritual insights and psychic connections.
  • Emotional Healing: Spiritual cleansing rituals can assist in releasing emotional blockages, trauma, and negative emotions, fostering emotional healing and inner peace.

Spiritual Cleansing Rituals Practiced at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

  1. Smudging: The use of sacred herbs such as sage, palo santo, or cedar for smudging is a common practice at Angels Within Psychic Medium. Smudging involves burning these herbs and using the smoke to cleanse and purify the energy field, space, or objects.
  2. Salt Baths: Bathing in salt-infused water is another effective method of spiritual cleansing at Angels Within Psychic Medium. Salt baths help to absorb negative energies and promote energetic detoxification and relaxation.
  3. Sound Healing: Utilizing sound vibrations through instruments like singing bowls, bells, or chanting sacred mantras is a powerful form of spiritual cleansing at Angels Within Psychic Medium. Sound healing can clear stagnant energies and restore harmonic resonance.

The Role of Angels Within Psychic Medium in Spiritual Cleansing:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we guide individuals in incorporating spiritual cleansing rituals into their spiritual practices. Our practitioners offer personalized guidance, recommendations, and support to create a tailored cleansing routine that aligns with individual needs and intentions.


As you embark on the journey of spiritual cleansing with Angels Within Psychic Medium, embrace the transformative power of releasing negative energies and creating a harmonious energetic environment. By engaging in spiritual cleansing rituals and seeking guidance from our experienced practitioners, you cultivate a deeper connection with the divine and create a sanctuary for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Explore the purity of energy with Angels Within Psychic Medium, where spiritual cleansing rituals become a sacred gateway to clarity, healing, and spiritual renewal.

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Aura Reading 101: Seeing and Understanding Energy Fields at Angels Within Psychic Medium


Welcome to the captivating world of energy and spiritual resonance at Angels Within Psychic Medium. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating practice of aura reading, a skill that allows us to see and understand the subtle energy fields that surround individuals. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe in the profound insights that aura reading can provide, offering a glimpse into the unique energetic signatures of each soul. Join us as we explore Aura Reading 101 and unlock the mysteries of energy perception.

Understanding Auras at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Auras are the energetic fields that emanate from every living being, reflecting their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we perceive auras as vibrant colors, patterns, and frequencies that convey valuable information about an individual’s energy, personality, and overall well-being.

The Art of Aura Reading:

Aura reading is a skill honed through intuitive perception and spiritual sensitivity. Our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium possess a deep understanding of energy dynamics and utilize various techniques to interpret and understand the nuances of auras.

Practical Steps for Aura Reading at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

  • Visual Observation: At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we begin aura reading by visually observing the individual’s energy field. Our practitioners focus on softening their gaze and tuning into subtle shifts in colors, brightness, and patterns around the person.
  • Intuitive Perception: Aura reading is as much about intuition as it is about visual observation. Our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium trust their intuitive senses to perceive the underlying emotions, thoughts, and energies reflected in the aura.
  • Interpretation and Analysis: After observing and intuitively perceiving the aura, our practitioners analyze the colors, shapes, and intensity of the energy field. Each color within the aura corresponds to different aspects of the individual’s being, such as their emotions, spiritual connection, and overall vitality.
  • The Role of Angels Within Psychic Medium in Aura Reading:

    At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we specialize in aura reading as a tool for spiritual insight and self-awareness. Our practitioners bring a blend of expertise, intuition, and compassion to the aura reading process, providing valuable insights and guidance based on the information gleaned from the energy field.


    As you embark on the journey of aura reading with Angels Within Psychic Medium, trust in the transformative power of understanding energy fields. Auras offer a unique window into the soul, providing insights into your spiritual essence, emotions, and energetic balance. By engaging in aura reading practices and seeking guidance from our experienced practitioners, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the energies that shape your journey. Explore the vibrant world of auras with Angels Within Psychic Medium, where energy perception becomes a gateway to spiritual clarity and self-discovery.

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The Significance of Dreams: Decoding Messages from the Subconscious at Angels Within Psychic Medium


Step into the realm of ethereal symbolism and hidden messages as we explore the profound significance of dreams at Angels Within Psychic Medium. In this article, we invite you to delve into the mystical landscape of the subconscious mind and understand the art of decoding messages from your dreams. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe that dreams are a gateway to the soul, offering insights, guidance, and a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey.

Dreams as a Spiritual Language:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we view dreams as a sacred language of the soul, a communication channel that transcends the boundaries of the waking world. Dreams provide a canvas upon which the subconscious mind paints vivid images, symbols, and emotions, offering a unique portal to the spiritual realm.

Interpreting Dreams at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium specialize in dream interpretation, recognizing the valuable insights that dreams can unveil. Whether they manifest as gentle whispers or vivid tapestries of symbolism, dreams offer a unique lens through which we can gain a deeper understanding of our inner selves and the spiritual energies that surround us.

Practical Steps for Dream Interpretation at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

  1. Dream Journaling: At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we encourage the practice of keeping a dream journal. Recording your dreams as soon as you wake up helps to capture the nuances, emotions, and symbols embedded within the dream before they fade away.
  2. Symbolic Decoding: Our practitioners guide you in decoding the symbolic language of dreams. Each symbol holds a unique meaning, and understanding the context within your dream can provide profound insights into your subconscious thoughts, fears, and desires.
  3. Emotional Awareness: Dreams are a canvas of emotions, and at Angels Within Psychic Medium, we pay close attention to the emotional tone of your dreams. Exploring the emotions experienced within the dream provides a gateway to understanding your inner landscape.
  4. The Role of Angels Within Psychic Medium in Dream Exploration:

    At Angels Within Psychic Medium, our practitioners serve as experienced guides in the exploration of your dreams. We bring a depth of insight and spiritual awareness to the dream interpretation process, helping you unravel the hidden messages and spiritual guidance embedded within your dreams.


    As you navigate the rich tapestry of your dreams with Angels Within Psychic Medium, trust in the significance of this powerful spiritual language. Dreams offer a direct link to your subconscious mind and the spiritual energies that shape your journey. By engaging in dream interpretation practices and seeking guidance from our experienced practitioners, you open a door to self-discovery and spiritual insight. Explore the depths of your subconscious with Angels Within Psychic Medium, where dreams are embraced as sacred messengers, delivering messages from the spiritual realms to illuminate your path.

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Intuition Unleashed: Practical Exercises for Psychic Growth at Angels Within Psychic Medium

Embark on a transformative journey within the realms of Angels Within Psychic Medium, where the delicate dance of intuition and psychic growth unfolds. In this article, we invite you to explore the sacred art of developing your intuition, guided by the expertise of our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium. As torchbearers of divine insight, we believe in the innate psychic potential within every individual. Join us as we unravel practical exercises designed to unleash your intuition and foster psychic growth within the sanctuary of Angels Within Psychic Medium.

The Essence of Intuition at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Intuition is the language of the soul, a silent whisper that guides us through the twists and turns of life. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we recognize intuition as a powerful tool for accessing divine wisdom, making informed decisions, and navigating the intricate tapestry of the spiritual journey.

Practical Exercises for Developing Your Intuition:

Meditative Connection:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, meditation serves as a foundational practice for honing intuition. Begin by finding a quiet space, focus on your breath, and allow the chatter of the mind to subside. In this stillness, you open a channel for intuitive insights to emerge.

Journaling Your Impressions:

Engage in a daily journaling practice at Angels Within Psychic Medium to document your intuitive impressions. Record any hunches, gut feelings, or images that come to you throughout the day. Over time, patterns may emerge, providing valuable insights into your intuitive nature.

Energy Sensing:

Develop your sensitivity to energy at Angels Within Psychic Medium by practicing energy sensing exercises. Close your eyes, extend your hands, and visualize energy flowing between your palms. Pay attention to the sensations and subtle shifts, allowing your intuitive faculties to heighten.

Symbol Interpretation:

Explore the language of symbols at Angels Within Psychic Medium. Choose a symbol that resonates with you and meditate upon it. Notice the thoughts, feelings, and impressions that arise. Our practitioners guide you in understanding the symbolic messages your intuition conveys.

The Role of Angels Within Psychic Medium in Intuitive Development:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we serve as guides on your journey of intuitive development. Our practitioners, deeply attuned to the energies of the divine, offer personalized insights, mentorship, and support as you unleash the full potential of your intuition.


As you navigate the path of intuitive development with Angels Within Psychic Medium, trust in the transformative power that lies within your own intuitive gifts. Our sacred space is dedicated to nurturing and expanding your psychic potential. By engaging in practical exercises and seeking guidance from our experienced practitioners, you embark on a journey of self-discovery where intuition becomes a beacon of light, illuminating your spiritual path with clarity and insight. Explore the limitless realms of intuition with Angels Within Psychic Medium, where your psychic growth is embraced and celebrated.

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Beyond the Veil: Navigating the Spirit World with Angels Within Psychic Medium


Step into the sacred realm of Angels Within Psychic Medium, where the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is delicately lifted. In this article, we invite you to explore the profound practice of navigating the spirit world, an art mastered by our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium. As conduits of divine wisdom, we believe in the transformative power of connecting with the spirit world to gain insights, guidance, and healing. Join us as we delve into the mystique of spiritual communication and the unique approach taken at Angels Within Psychic Medium.

The Significance of Spirit Communication:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we acknowledge the importance of bridging the gap between the earthly plane and the spirit world. Communication with the spirit realm offers solace, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of the divine plan that unfolds beyond our physical senses.

Mediumship at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Our gifted practitioners possess a unique ability to act as intermediaries between the living and the departed. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, mediumship is revered as a sacred art that allows us to communicate with spirit guides, angels, and departed loved ones, offering messages of love, guidance, and reassurance.

Approaching Spirit Communication at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

  1. Sacred Intentions: At the heart of spirit communication at Angels Within Psychic Medium is the setting of sacred intentions. Our practitioners approach each session with a commitment to providing messages that serve the highest good of the seeker, ensuring a space of love and healing.
  2. Energetic Preparation: Before connecting with the spirit world, our psychic mediums engage in energetic preparation. This involves raising their vibrational frequency through meditation, creating a resonance that facilitates clear and pure communication with the spiritual realm.
  3. Symbolic Interpretation: Messages from the spirit world often come in symbolic forms. Our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium possess the skill to interpret symbols, images, and messages, delivering them with clarity and relevance to the seeker’s life.

The Healing Power of Spirit Communication:

Engaging in spirit communication at Angels Within Psychic Medium goes beyond delivering messages; it is a transformative and healing experience. Seekers often find solace, closure, and a renewed sense of purpose through the messages received from departed loved ones and spirit guides.


As you embark on the journey of spiritual communication with Angels Within Psychic Medium, trust in the profound connection our practitioners have with the spirit world. Whether seeking guidance, messages from loved ones, or a deeper understanding of your spiritual path, our commitment is to create a sacred space where the veil between dimensions is thin, and the wisdom of the spirit world is accessible. Explore the mysteries beyond the veil with Angels Within Psychic Medium, where spirit communication becomes a powerful catalyst for healing and enlightenment.

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Crystalline Wisdom: Enhancing Psychic Abilities with Angels Within Psychic Medium


Welcome to the luminescent world of Angels Within Psychic Medium, where the ethereal energy of crystals converges with the profound wisdom of psychic insights. In this article, we invite you to explore the transformative practice of harnessing the power of crystals to enhance psychic abilities. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe that the synergy between crystal energy and psychic intuition creates a harmonious resonance, opening doors to profound spiritual experiences. Join us as we delve into the crystalline wisdom that awaits you on your psychic journey.

Crystals as Emissaries of Energy:

Crystals have been revered throughout history for their unique energetic properties and the ability to amplify and transmit energy. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we recognize crystals as powerful allies in the quest for spiritual growth and heightened psychic awareness.

The Symbiosis of Crystal Energy and Psychic Abilities at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium integrate crystals into their practice to enhance psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and intuition. The vibrational frequencies of crystals align with the subtle energies of the psychic realms, creating a harmonious synergy that amplifies the connection with divine guidance.

Key Crystals and Their Psychic Benefits:

  1. Amethyst: A staple in the toolkit of Angels Within Psychic Medium, amethyst is renowned for its ability to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition. This crystal facilitates access to higher states of consciousness, making it an ideal companion for psychic exploration.
  2. Clear Quartz: Known as the “Master Healer,” clear quartz is revered at Angels Within Psychic Medium for its amplifying properties. It enhances the clarity of psychic visions and acts as a conduit for spiritual guidance.
  3. Selenite: With its purifying energy, selenite is a favorite among practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium. It clears energetic blockages, creating a pristine channel for intuitive insights and heightened psychic perceptions.
  4. Incorporating Crystals into Psychic Practices:

  5. Meditation: At Angels Within Psychic Medium, crystal meditation is a foundational practice for enhancing psychic abilities. By holding or placing crystals on specific chakras during meditation, practitioners open themselves to the flow of divine energy.
  6. Crystal Grids: Our psychic mediums create intricate crystal grids at Angels Within Psychic Medium to amplify the energy in their sacred spaces. These grids enhance the connection with the spiritual realm and facilitate psychic clarity.
  7. Wearing Crystals: Adorning oneself with crystals is a common practice among our practitioners. Wearing crystal jewelry or carrying specific stones in pockets can serve as constant reminders of the energetic support available from the crystal realm.
  8. Conclusion:

    As you embark on your psychic journey with Angels Within Psychic Medium, embrace the crystalline wisdom that awaits. The synergy between crystal energy and psychic abilities creates a tapestry of spiritual insight, guiding you towards profound revelations and heightened intuitive awareness. Trust in the transformative power of crystals as you traverse the realms of psychic exploration with Angels Within Psychic Medium, where crystalline wisdom meets divine guidance.

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Journey Through Regression Therapy: Exploring Past Lives with Angels Within Psychic Medium


Step into the mystical realms of Angels Within Psychic Medium, where the exploration of past lives unfolds as a transformative journey. In this article, we invite you to delve into the intriguing practice of regression therapy, a profound tool for unlocking the secrets of your soul’s journey through time. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe that understanding past lives is key to self-discovery and spiritual growth. Join us as we navigate the depths of regression therapy, guiding you on an exploration of the eternal tapestry of your soul.

Past Lives and the Soul’s Journey:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we recognize that the soul is on a perpetual journey of growth and evolution. Regression therapy offers a unique lens into the various incarnations of your soul, revealing patterns, lessons, and connections that transcend the boundaries of time and space.

Regression Therapy at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Our practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium approach regression therapy with a deep understanding of its potential for healing and enlightenment. Whether you seek to uncover the roots of persistent challenges or wish to explore the source of a profound connection with someone, regression therapy can provide profound insights into your soul’s journey.

The Process of Regression Therapy with Angels Within Psychic Medium:

  • Setting Intentions: Before embarking on a regression therapy session at Angels Within Psychic Medium, our experienced practitioners guide you in setting clear intentions for the exploration. This creates a sacred space for the journey ahead.
  • Relaxation Techniques: Regression therapy begins with relaxation techniques to calm the mind and allow the subconscious to come to the forefront. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe that a relaxed state facilitates a deeper connection with past-life memories.
  • Guided Visualization: Our practitioners use guided visualization to lead you through the corridors of time. By tapping into your subconscious mind, you can access memories from past lives, unveiling experiences that hold significance for your present existence.
  • Revelations and Insights: As you traverse the landscapes of your past lives, the practitioners at Angels Within Psychic Medium assist in interpreting the symbols, emotions, and lessons revealed during the regression. These insights provide valuable perspectives on your current life circumstances and relationships.

Integration and Healing:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we recognize the transformative power of integrating past-life insights into your present existence. Whether it’s overcoming challenges, releasing karmic patterns, or embracing newfound strengths, regression therapy offers a path to healing and self-empowerment.


Embarking on a journey through regression therapy with Angels Within Psychic Medium is a sacred exploration of the soul’s timeless voyage. Unveiling the mysteries of past lives opens doors to self-discovery, healing, and a deeper understanding of your spiritual path. Trust in the guidance of Angels Within Psychic Medium as you traverse the tapestry of your soul’s journey through the annals of time.

Angels Within specialises in psychic medium readings over Phone, Email, SMS/Text.

Get in touch with us today!

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Guardians of Light: Psychic Protection 101 with Angels Within Psychic Medium


Welcome to the ethereal realms of Angels Within Psychic Medium, where we explore the mystical and enlightening facets of spirituality. In this article, we’ll dive into the crucial aspect of psychic protection, an integral practice within the realm of psychic mediumship. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we understand the importance of safeguarding your energy and creating a sacred space for spiritual growth. Join us as we delve into Psychic Protection 101, guiding you on the path to harmonizing your energies with the divine.

Understanding Psychic Protection at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

Psychic protection is not just a shield; it’s a sacred practice that allows individuals to navigate the spiritual realms with confidence and clarity. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe that establishing a robust psychic protection routine is essential for maintaining a healthy energetic balance and fostering a deeper connection with the divine.

The Importance of Psychic Protection:

In the intricate dance between the physical and spiritual worlds, psychic mediums at Angels Within recognize the need to safeguard against negative energies and psychic interference. Psychic protection acts as a shield, preserving the sacred space necessary for spiritual communication, healing, and personal growth.

Psychic Protection Rituals Practiced at Angels Within Psychic Medium:

  • Aura Cleansing: At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we emphasize the significance of regularly cleansing and purifying your aura. Our psychic mediums guide you through visualization and energy-clearing techniques to release any stagnant or unwanted energies.
  • Energy Shielding: Creating a protective energy shield is a fundamental practice at Angels Within Psychic Medium. Our practitioners employ visualization techniques to surround themselves with a luminous shield, safeguarding against external energies that may disrupt their spiritual work.
  • Crystals for Protection: Crystals are powerful allies in the realm of psychic protection. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we educate individuals on selecting and using crystals like black tourmaline, amethyst, and obsidian to enhance their protective energies.
  • Setting Boundaries: Establishing energetic boundaries is a key aspect of psychic protection at Angels Within Psychic Medium. Our psychic mediums guide you in setting clear intentions and boundaries to regulate the energies you encounter during your spiritual practice.
  • Integrating Psychic Protection into Your Daily Practice:
    At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe that psychic protection is not just a one-time ritual; it’s a holistic approach to daily living. Incorporating these protective practices into your routine ensures a continuous and harmonious connection with the spiritual realm.
  • Conclusion:

    As you embark on your spiritual journey, trust in the expertise and guidance provided by Angels Within Psychic Medium. Psychic Protection 101 is a foundational practice, allowing you to explore the depths of the spiritual realm with confidence and clarity. Create a shield of light around your energy, and let Angels Within Psychic Medium be your guide in establishing a sanctuary for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

    Angels Within specialises in psychic medium readings over Phone, Email, SMS/Text.

    Get in touch with us today!

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Tarot Reading with Angels Within Psychic Medium


Welcome to the blog of Angels Within Psychic Medium, where we explore the mystical realms of divination and spiritual insights. In this article, we will delve into the profound art of tarot reading, a practice that has been an integral part of the psychic medium experience. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe in connecting with the energies of the divine, and tarot serves as a powerful tool to unveil the mysteries that lie within. Join us on this journey as we explore the history, significance, and intricacies of tarot reading.

The Rich History and Symbolism of Tarot:

Tarot cards have a storied history, dating back to the 15th century, and have since evolved into a sacred instrument for those seeking guidance. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we recognize the symbolic significance of each card within the 78-card deck. The Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, each steeped in unique symbolism, enable our gifted psychic mediums to tap into the unseen energies that surround individuals.

Tarot Reading in Psychic Practices at Angels Within:

Tarot reading holds a special place in the hearts of our psychic mediums at Angels Within. Our practitioners use tarot cards as a divination tool to connect with the divine and provide insights into various aspects of life, be it relationships, career choices, or personal growth. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe that the tarot is a sacred bridge between the physical and spiritual realms.

The Angels Within Psychic Medium Tarot Reading Process:

When you seek a tarot reading with Angels Within Psychic Medium, the experience is infused with intention and divinely guided insight. Our psychic mediums follow a carefully curated process:

Setting the Intention:

At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we begin each tarot reading by setting a clear intention to receive guidance that aligns with the highest good of the seeker.

Shuffling and Card Selection:

Our gifted psychic mediums believe in the energetic connection between the seeker and the cards. The act of shuffling infuses the deck with the seeker’s energy, allowing for a more profound and personalized reading.

Card Placement and Spread:

Different tarot spreads serve different purposes. Our psychic mediums skillfully select and arrange cards to provide insights into the past, present, and future, or to address specific questions and concerns.

Intuitive Interpretation:

Drawing upon their intuitive abilities, our psychic mediums interpret the cards’ meanings within the context of the seeker’s unique situation. At Angels Within Psychic Medium, we believe in the power of intuitive guidance to unravel the mysteries hidden within the cards.

Empowering the Seeker:

Tarot readings at Angels Within Psychic Medium are not mere glimpses into a predetermined future. Instead, our focus is on empowering the seeker to make informed decisions and take charge of their destiny.


As you navigate the realms of divination and seek spiritual insights, trust in the expertise and intuitive guidance provided by Angels Within Psychic Medium. Our commitment is to unveil the mysteries of tarot reading, offering you a profound and transformative experience. Allow the divine energies to guide you on this journey of self-discovery with Angels Within Psychic Medium.

Angels Within specialises in psychic medium readings over Phone, Email, SMS/Text.

Get in touch with us today!

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